- Save 5 videos for future unlimited editing/updating (fair use policy applies)
- Generate unlimited videos (fair use policy applies)
- Download videos created (yearly subscription only)
- Automatically add your logo to videos
- Automatically add your phone number to videos
- Automatically add industry/professional association and accreditation logos to videos
- Automatically add your partner logos to videos
- Automatically add your phone number to videos
- Automatically add your address to videos
- Automatically add your usual fees for services to videos
- Automatically add your special offer fees to videos
- Automatically add staff videos and photos to videos
- Automatically add your staff names to videos
- Automatically add your short staff bio’s to videos
- Automatically add your education qualifications of staff to videos
- Automatically add client video testimonials to your videos
- Automatically add business premises photos to videos
- Automatically add About Us content to videos
- Automatically add your opening hours to your videos
- 1000’s of unique video templates to choose from (not in Beta version)
- Video templates with or without narration in local accent (not in Beta version)
- Unlimited users per account (fair use policy applies)
- Play saved videos on unlimited devices (fair use policy applies)
- Self-help and instructional videos describing App use
- Email and chat support (chat not in Beta version)
- Video templates with or without background music
- Two-step authentication security feature
Subscription Plans
Register For a FREE 30-day Trial. No Credit Card Required
All prices shown are in AUD & include GST in Australia
$ 19
month (paid yearly)Pro
$ 22
month (paid yearly)- Save 15 videos for future unlimited editing/updating (fair use policy applies)
- Everything Included in Basic Subscription
$ 24
month (paid yearly)- Save 50 videos for future unlimited editing/updating (fair use policy applies)
- Everything Included in Basic Subscriptions
Custom Plans
Plan Discounts
Purchase a PVC commercial display screen and save 5% on the subscription for Premium
Purchase a PVC commercial display screen and save 2.5% on the subscription for Pro
Purchase a PVC commercial display screen and save 2.5% on the subscription for Basic