Turn-Key Addon 4-6 Dentist
Product Description
- PVC dashboard setup
- A full-day professional shoot to take photos and videos needed for the business details dashboard setup.
- You can use any spare time remaining in the shoot to take other images for your personal use.
- You will get access to all photos taken for personal use with limited copyright. The limited copyright means that you cannot on-sell these photos.
- The price includes GST.
Product Inclusions
- The shooting of staff and premises angle photos required for the PVC dashboard setup.
- Cropping of photos.
- We are setting transparent backgrounds on all staff headshots and portrait photos.
- Facility tour video.
- Team video.
- Dentist videos that are needed.
- Recording patient video testimonials as required.
- Gathering and uploading all collateral necessary for the initial setup of your PVC business details dashboard.
- Two (2) hours of online training for your staff on how to find and create videos for your practice.